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Resume Writing Tips for the Transitioning Veteran

If you’re looking to get hired, having a powerful, purposeful resume detailing your skills, experience, and the unique value that you bring to an employer is a leading tool in your toolkit.

Many job seekers struggle with writing a resume. There are countless resume types to choose from: chronological, functional, combination, or targeted. Add to that the ever-changing visual styles of resumes, and common questions job seekers have:


  • How long should my resume be?
  • Can I leave certain jobs out?
  • How far back should I go?
  • What should I do about gaps in my resume?


It can really be quite overwhelming to tackle writing your own resume. If you are transitioning out of the military, there are added complexities to communicate and translate your military experience into civilian jobs, where potential employers can clearly understand the value you bring.

Get Free Help with Your Resume

Military Hire has partnered with an amazing group of dedicated alliance partners who can help you craft a great resume that tells your story and explains your skill sets. Each of these alliance partners provides free resources and help to military veterans and military spouses.


AMVETS Career Center, powered by the Call of Duty Endowment, provides free-of-charge career training and employment assistance for veterans and service members from the active, guard and reserve, and their spouses.


AMVETS and Military Hire are partners to enable veterans to gain access to the local community and companies big and small to match job-seeking veterans with employers who are eager to hire veterans.


Contact the AMVETS job placement service center:

Ciara Robinson, M.A.
AMVETS Career Center Manager
National Programs Associate
Ph: 301.683.4029

Battle Buddies Logo

Battle Buddies USA’s mission is to support all Veterans in their community and all U.S. Veterans worldwide. Battle Buddies provides training and support programs to Veterans that are transitioning, directly tying into any service’s Transition Assistance Program (TAP).


The organization focuses on giving Veterans the skills and opportunities to achieve success around ‘What’s Next’ for them after military service.


Battle Buddies has an active Facebook group (membership required – It’s free) that provides a safe space for Veterans to connect and share with other Veterans.

Contact Battle Buddies USA:

Operation Job Ready Veterans Logo

Operation: Job Ready Veterans provides many resources for Veterans, including the Veterans Employment Transition Seminar (VETS): Transitioning from the military to the civilian workforce can be challenging. The VETS course includes complete skills inventories, career interest and work values assessments, resume services, supportive services, networking strategies, as well as interview preparation and rehearsal sessions.


Upon successful completion of the seminar, graduates and alumni have access to one-on-one and group career coaching, introductions to appropriate employment opportunities, and follow-on customized job placement services, all provided by OJRV, which has successfully placed many of their veteran “Job Ready” clients in high level positions with several employers who recognize the valuable skill sets of our graduates.


Once employed, graduates and alumni receive additional retention services through OJRV to ensure continued success for both the employer and the veteran.


Contact OJRV

Mission Wisconsin Logo

Mission Wisconsin works with Wisconsin employers (and beyond…) that are interested in hiring Veterans and Military Spouses.


Mission Wisconsin also works directly with transitioning service members, spouses and Veterans to connect them to their next mission—whether that’s employment, educational opportunities, or community connections.

Services provided include:


  • No-cost transition coaching for service members, veterans, and military spouses
  • Resume review and assistance
  • Interview preparation assistance
  • Connections to resources to ensure a smooth transition
  • Networking


Contact Mission Wisconsin

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