
4-Star Membership Details

MilitaryHire is focused on connecting veteran-friendly employers with
highly skilled military candidates to boost your talent pipeline!

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4 Star Memberships start at $379/month.  Click here to request a quote based on the program options below.


4-Star Membership features include:


Standard Monthly Membership Benefits

  • Contact Job Seekers directly via phone or email
  • Up to 3 recruiter accounts
  • Up to 40 job postings
  • Up to 1,000 resume views per month
  • Save up to 40 resume searches as ResumeScouts
  • Save Up to 200 Resumes for later review
  • Job Seekers apply via your ATS, website, or email
  • Permission to add the MilitaryHire logo on your website as a military friendly employer during the time of your membership


Quarterly Plan Membership Additional Benefits

  • All benefits above, plus:
  • Account management support services available for membership terms of 3 months or more
  • Company name and job listing link included in weekly Veteran newsletter (sent to MilitaryHire Veteran subscribers)
  • Company name and job listing link included in 3 Hot Jobs pages on MilitaryHire, including pages: Job Seekers, Military Spouses, and Veterans


Semi-Annual Plan Membership Additional Benefits

  • All benefits above, plus:
  • One state emailing ($500 value) – includes personalized, branded and highly targeted emails promote your company to MilitaryHire Veteran members within the state of your choice. Content must be approved by MilitaryHire. Email metrics are provided with this service.
  • Automated xml job feed included only if deemed technically feasible and no additional programming required, otherwise quoted separately


Annual Plan Membership Additional Benefits

  • All benefits above, plus:
  • One sponsorship of one weekly issue of MilitaryHire’s Veteran Hot Jobs email newsletter, sent to all subscribers of this newsletter.

All memberships are subscriptions and you can manage in your account settings. There are no additional fees if you hire someone through MilitaryHire’s subscription plans. All Sales Are Final. Payment due prior to system access. All proposals follow our Terms & Conditions.

4-Star Memberships are available in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual packages. These memberships offer premium tool sets designed to capitalize on the PowerSearch tool by adding advanced tracking and increased automation features. 


4-Star service allows you to post jobs that have candidate responses directed to a customer designated website or web address, plus you have access to the candidate email address and phone number. This level also introduces our “Briefcase” function. The “Briefcase” lets you save resumes in your own electronic storage area for later retrieval. This allows you to save resumes that interest you for later viewing. Resume search and view usage limits are based upon a rolling 30-day calendar. All users must be employees of that company.

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